The ImmersiaTV project at MMSys (Amsterdam)
The Media Internet Area of i2CAT has presented the ImmersiaTV project at the ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys 2018), which was held last 12-15 June at The National Research Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) in Amsterdam. MMSys and the associated workshop provide a forum for researchers to present and share their latest research findings in multimedia systems.
Nacho Reimat, Sergi Fernández and Mario Montagud, i2CAT researchers, presented results from the ImmersiaTV, both via oral presentation and showcasing demonstrations. Attendees were generally interested in the project’s proposals and results. During the conference, our colleagues had the opportunity to meet other professionals in the field and experience rich interactions with leaders of other research projects.
Reimat and Montagud have also been members of the Organizing Committee of the conference.