Media Fast Forward at VRT #vrtforward
On Thursday, December 8th, VRT Research and Innovation hosts Media Fast Forward, a yearly afternoon event, with more than 400 people, where they aim to present and discuss cutting-edge innovation in the media sector. Both internal VRT projects as well as international cases from BBC, TNO are given a stage. The main topics will be media in context with data, smart cities, crowdsourcing and immersive technologies. The latter obviously includes virtual reality (VR).
The VR cases that will be shown during the event are:
- Immersia TV, presented by Luk Overmeire from VRT and showcasing this years pilot,
- Creative Wizard Soulmade who made the first VR fiction film in Belgium, and
- Two VR use cases from within VRT: one for a kids programme called ‘Boeva and the Games’, another one is made by wonen.tv a tv show about housing.
The event is an ideal location to increase awareness of VR, and Immersia TV in particular, and create new connections in the (mostly Flemish) media network. The complete programme (in Dutch) can be found on: http://innovatie.vrt.be/events/media-fast-forward-2016